Great read. It wasn't my intention for entering Medium today, but the title, it enticed me.
Now, to connect a dot between my two favourite points you made in this piece ๐๐ "Motivation is knowing why you're doing it", and "Don't make the goal so big."
Yes! This 'why' works as an engine. Purpose is the key to generating much of our energy. And indeed, big goals are more intimidating, and require more trust in ourselves to persevere. Tiny goals are only empty without them. Here is how I balance:
Allow for creativity to take over; accept I'm only meant to go so far.
Creativity opens the mind, releases us from the inhibition overflow that affects our daily lives, and clears our neural pathway for free flowing thought.
Plus, the same part of the brain also handles logic, so we should always be able to figure out the difference between possible or not. I mean, nothingness is as infinite as everythingness and that throws off literally ALL of my math at times... but as is common among us all, I have a backup - and practical - logic toolkit for emergencies!
But I love vying for big, overwhelming, scary ideas! I'm literally never bored!
It's okay if I'm never the leader of Earth - one might even say it's preferable. I also acknowledge its unlikeliness... and I'd actually prefer being the cunning and influential 'right hand' anyway.
But now, I am aware of my will to lead, or at least to guide, and this might not have been possible without first considering ideas that disregard limitations of size.
Then reason steps in, directs me to make practical changes to the ideas, to create smaller goals based off the information, and to go from there.
But this process is certainly not for everyone.
This is a really fantastic piece. The purity and depth of your intention is ever felt, and I am grateful for it. It also sounds like you've come a long way over the years, and I respect that with all my heart.
I wish everyone could see their grand potential, to want it for themselves.
Thank you,
- G