I did intend for interpretation to be possible. But essentially, my daily meal consists mostly of rice, and this image passed through my mind. I momentarily became a poor, introverted pigeon...
And three has long been a significant number for me.
In high school, I had three separate groups of two friends each, making three of us per group.
Anywhere else, I somehow usually ended up spending time with people in threes.
I have three triangles tattooed around my left forearm.
A symbol for freedom of knowledge is an upside down triangle.
My favorite time is 03:33, but not for the purpose of following the pattern (it's more ritualistic, energy based).
I believe you should be able to prove any basic point with three coherent logical arguments.
I REALLY enjoy triplets in music....
Pyramids are sublime!
What a splendid trail of thought :)
I appreciate your insight, and thank you for reading! Also, sorry... I changed a couple words and it removed your highlight. I have a hard time leaving my publications alone, once posted.