I still believe any human in immediate threat of danger should be more inclined to protect themselves on one level or another. But I understand, this isn't a long term solution for anything.
Teaching younger generations is indeed the holy grail of all societal reprogramming.
My biggest head scratcher is always to do with aged assailants, those who inevitably become a burden on the system because their minds are set in their ways, and trying to change them would be an expensive gamble. Or the severely mentally ill.
If and how painful they go out, I think that's an us thing… some humans can be bloodthirsty, and it becomes convenient to have bad people to punish. But then who's paying for this pleasure punishment?
If my money goes into it, I want to know there are positive, perhaps rehabilitative results being produced. Whether that means to hire expensive personal workers with degrees in brain science to someday send them back into society as new people, to ship them to a remote man-made tropical island for self-governing, or to kill them all by canon into an active volcano… I don't know.
We're helping cure autism now with nothing but a computer, monitor, mouse and keyboard… people can now see through electrodes on their skin, can retrain limbs to work, can control OCD… all kinds of healing is now possible, if we're willing to prioritize it.
Our understanding of human sexuality is beyond what it's ever been. While many aspects of sexuality settle in the mind from early childhood, we also know it's fluid, and can become anything over time, given the right attention (or circumstance).
The good news is, humans aren't hopeless. The question is how far are we willing to go to fix things as a society. The male dominated elite are the majority of the problem, they control the data (schools + Hollywood) consumed by young humans across the planet. Parents barely raise their children anymore, and even when they do they were brought up on information from the same groups of power.
This is definitely the time to be reaching out across the world, for us to care about these problems as a collective. The elite only push direction until they have no choice but to go along with the masses.
I appreciate you sharing this piece.