I understand this struggle, that no matter what you're ready to write about, there are things that need to come out first. 🖤
And I'm thinking you're a greater mind/heart than you're ready to admit.
But there's a more specific purpose for my response.
It's just that... well, I believe everything matters.
Everything. ☀️🌿🌿
Nothingness, by definition, doesn't exist.
'Nothing' could never matter.
But to be more practical, only imagine the slightest difference in your own day, a sense of confidence, blissful comfort, a worry over your survival, or an itch that won't simply go away.
If someone were to hold my hand over a fire, and I began to cook, then that, in that closed moment of reality, would be the essence of allness; for this one single detail to change would mean everything to me.
Nothing of inexistence would, or could matter.
A more pleasant example might have been about enjoying the best meal of life, and the difference between cherishing it or having it thrown away before my very eyes...
No, pardon me, that got too dark again. 😅
But to each being, to every conscious individual, existence and the universe are one, and everything they know in the moment is everything.
I know I don't practice perfectly what I preach.
If I did, I'd be a vegan.
But now it's me who digresses. 🙏🙏
You're right, that things could easily be different for everyone, and from only a single person's not having expressed themselves permanently in writing.
I'll skip the urge to tangent on the subject of impermanence.
Every impact matters.
Especially, it's important to understand, when we consider the nature of the human brain.
All it takes is to appreciate a single new idea to spark the beginning of a whole new mindset, as the original idea grows and becomes more deeply embedded in the brain to form new neural connections and pathways that may never have existed without its inclusion.
Especially when all the information our minds value is rebundled every night as we sleep.
Suddenly, my dreams themselves are more interesting, more curious, more adventurous, because there's a question burning within, this which wouldn't have been there otherwise — and the subconscious does love to process.
All this to say:
Every impact counts.
At minimum, if we want to be careful about the extremes, then every opportunity of impact counts.
What we say, what we don't say, it all matters.
Just incase.
I'm going to stop here, partly because I didn't mean to write you an entire article and I'm starting to convince myself I'm being obnoxious, but mostly because I'm tired.
Maybe I should have stuck to a short and sweet "follow your heart, you probably know best if you want or need to do anything" type of message, but you really got my wheels turning! 😂
As a final note, thank you for having recommended me the book 'Chatter' a while back.
I read the intro, felt I got the gist of the topic (it being something I've thought about quite a bit myself), and now have an internal alarm set to remind me whenever I'm letting the voices in my head follow harmful and unhelpful paths.
The trick I use is identical to how I get annoying songs out of my head, by consciously creating new music, one of many techniques for pulling oneself out of any subconscious state.
Okay, I need to stop!!
Very good piece, I appreciate youuu, and hope you keep following your will and better judgment in all things. 😊😊
— G