I'm not about to say anything new here, but once upon a time, war was honourable, as leaders joined their men in battle... now it's just influential people convincing their subject to throw themselves up as pawns. In cases where the war isn't agreed upon on both sides, then some leaders are simply forced to retaliate and defend themselves in kind.
The upper levels of society are such a mess, and most of the world right now shouldn't take for granted if their homelands are safe through it all.
I feel horrible knowing this happens and that I don't know what I can actually do.
It even feels inappropriate to point out why most people can't or won't care, to zoom in or out and see how complicated it all is. Of course, you understand on a much deeper level than I ever could what I mean, as someone with a family to take care of in the eye of the storm.
Even trying to answer whether it's actually better for people to be informed or if it's just disabling the masses evermore with every new gigantic problem laid before them.
It's fucked up, and I really wish no one had to deal with either end of the spectrum, especially yours... my love goes to you all. I wish this could mean more right now than it does.