Thank you, Alicia. 🙏😊 To be perfectly honest, I love many elements of Halloween, but barely support what it is as a whole today. This gave me some confidence issues towards whether I understood which stories or themes would fit Halloween or not, which is why it's great to live with someone who essentially does it all year round. He played metal, industrial and horrorcore music all day (his day off, but the usual shuffles) while I completed ~80% of the text (including all the obvious twittles and some of the hidden ones), which probably helped me get into the mindset.
What really stuck out to me AFTER publishing and knowing others had read it, was all the advertising/copywriting/business references.
I've finally been obsessing I guess. 🖤
And please forgive me for my prolonged absence from your works!! There was an extensive time period where I should have been catching up on all the writers I enjoy, but that's not what I did.
It's honestly for the best... the internal work had to be done first.
I'll be around. If you share some story links of your choice under this story here, I'll definitely read them sooner too!! If you'd like.