To Thank A Scam Artist
by Gustave Deresse
The Swindle
In September of 2020, I was scammed 3800$ over apartment fraud. It was nearly all I had. I was six months without proper sleep, so the way I see it, I wasn’t myself.
Still, it’s an embarrassing story.
I’m going to skip over most preceding details. Put simply, I needed a place where I could eat, work and sleep on my clock, and focus on what was important to me.
Tired and desperate for a way out, I was easy pickings.
Very easy pickings.
“No Viewings During Covid”
One day, in the early hours of the morning, I posted an apartment hunting ad on Kijiji. I had just enough money to pull off moving out, and responses were flying in within the hour.
The greatest liars will throw you off a scent with the introduction of more lies. The greater the lies, the more they’re meant to disarm.
One response especially had caught my eye.
I should have been suspicious from the start.