Yeah, it needed to happen. He's okay now.
I cleaned out all of her stuff from the apartment, except for her bedroom so far. There's a futon in there with a bunch of towers and scratching posts that still need to go. She had five water bowls he used to change twice a day, glass, plastic, and metal... I just threw them all out.
But get this, the chairs... we can now use the chairs... and we're talking one of them is a straight-up legs-out/lean-back fucking ass lazy boy.
He had it turned into a tent for her. The seat was in the dark, and the equally cushiony top of the back was in the light. She also had a hyper comfy chair from Ikea to sleep on.
I might never sit on the regular couch again.
Plusss, he re-joined the Outlaws and is back on scheduling interviews with wrestlers and other members of the indie pro-wrestling scene once more.
She used to get mad at him and he'd cut interviews short to play with her lol
I bet he won't be making any more blood oaths of that nature ever again.
That said, he did break down pretty badly when he got back in that day. I had to explain beforehand, in case he forgot, that my cheeks do weird things around crying people.